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Private ear wax removal at Hopwood House Medical Practice in Oldham

Quick, Safe, Convenient

Update May 2023: the ear irrigation clinic at Lees Optical has relocated to a new site at Hopwood House Medical Practice, Lees Road, Oldham, OL4 1JN. â€‹


Our fully trained and insured practitioner uses the modern and safe method of irrigation to safely remove impacted ear wax. The service costs £50 for one or two ears. We first ask you some questions to ensure that you are suitable for the procedure before you are booked in. If suitable, you will be booked in for a consultation with our practitioner. You will receive an examination of both ears, and our practitioner can diagnose ear wax, infection or inflammation. If there is no wax to be removed then there is a consultation fee of £10. You will receive ear irrigation if necessary, and be provided with ear health advice. We ask that all patients instil ear wax softening drops for at least five days before attending the appointment.


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Black and White Star in Circle

Clear Ears opening hours

Monday-Friday 9am-6pm

Contact Us

Clear Ears is committed to providing quality and comprehensive healthcare. To learn more about our clinic and how we can help you, get in touch with us today.

Clinics now held at Hopwood House Medical Practice, Lees Road, Oldham, OL4 1JN


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